Descoperiți cele mai recente inovații produse și echipamente de la jucătorii mari din piața Beauty&Health și până la new-entry brands. Lansări exclusive.

Educatori renumiți și mărci îndrăgite vor fi aici pentru a împărtăși cunoștințele și expertiza lor în domeniu. Suntem convinși că veți părăsi sesiunile educaționale cu o listă de idei creative.

Participați activ și inspirați-vă din prezentări și demonstrații live, discutați despre afaceri și branding la Business Hub-urile COSMO dedicate.

Conectați-vă și încărcați-vă cu poveștile de succes și cu energia celor din domeniu, la Povești de succes și Galele COSMO 2025!
Pachete de parteneriat
Vă invităm să ne fiți alături la CosmoEvents 2025 – o suită de evenimente profesionale, care sedesfășoară sub motto-ul:
Inspirație. Evoluție. Performanță.
6.500 euro + TVA
- Visibility: highest among all partners, distinct branding
- All the benefits included
- Logo exposure: on pre-event communication materials, website, online banners, newsletters,
- Logo exposure: preferential position on the event materials offline&online: agenda, pop-up, badges
- Conference speaker: one session (of the conference)
- Expo: 8 sqm space (first priority in choice) near the conference stage
- Promotional materials distribution: to all participants
- Company video promo: broadcast during breaks, 30 sec.
- Social media presence: of your brand on the event social media channels
- COSMO AWARDS supporter: one of the awards will be announced Powered by (your brand).
- Announcement as Platinum Partner at event opening and closure ceremony COSMO Gala
- Branded Goodiebag to all winners at the COSMO AWARDS (in your own production and delivery)
- Conference VIP Invitations: 8 invitations
- COSMO AWARDS invitations: 6 invitations
5000 euro + TVA
- Logo exposure: on pre-event communication materials, website, online banners, newsletters,
- Logo exposure:preferential position on the event materials offline&online: agenda, pop-up, badges
- Conference speaker: one session (of the conference)
- Expo: 6 sqm space near the conference area
- Promotional materials distribution: to all participants
- Social media presence: of your brand on the event social media channels
- COSMO AWARDS supporter: one of the awards will be announced Powered by (your brand).
Announcement as Gold Partner at event opening and closure ceremony COSMO AWARDS
- Conference VIP Invitations: 6 invitations
- COSMO AWARDS invitations: 4 invitations
4000 euro + TVA
- Logo exposure: on pre-event communication materials, website, online banners, newsletters,
- Logo exposure:preferential position on the event materials offline&online: agenda, pop-up, badges
- Conference speaker: one session (of the conference)
- Expo: 4 sqm space near the conference area
- Promotional materials distribution: to all participants
- Company video promo: broadcast during breaks – 30sec
- Social media presence: of your brand on the event social media channels
- COSMO AWARDS supporter: one of the awards will be announced Powered by (your brand).
Announcement as Platinum Partner at event opening and closure ceremony COSMO AWARDS
- Conference VIP Invitations: 4 invitations
- COSMO AWARDS invitations: 2 invitations
3000 euro + TVA
- Logo exposure: on pre-event communication materials, website, online banners, newsletters,
- Logo exposure:preferential position on the event materials offline&online: agenda, pop-up, badges
- Promotional materials distribution: to all participants
- Social media presence: of your brand on the event social media channels
- Expo: 2 sqm space near the conference area
- COSMO AWARDS supporter: one of the awards will be announced Powered by (your brand).
- Announcement as Bronze Partner at event opening and closure ceremony COSMO AWARDS
- Conference VIP Invitations: 1 invitation
- COSMO AWARDS invitations: 1 invitation
1500 euro + TVA
- Logo exposure: on pre-event communication materials, website, online banners, newsletters,
- Logo exposure:preferential position on the event materials offline&online: agenda, pop-up, badges
- Promotional materials distribution: to all participants
- Social media presence: of your brand on the event social media channels
- Conference VIP Invitations: 1 invitation
- COSMO AWARDS invitations: 1 invitation